Posts Tagged :

life skills coach

Want To Feel Motivated? Create a Routine! 495 401 Advance LA

Want To Feel Motivated? Create a Routine!

Want To Feel Motivated? Create a Routine!Neurodivergent young adults often have plans for their future but are waiting to feel “motivated” before moving forward. There is a common belief that someone or something can get a person motivated, and if that one elusive thing can be found, then motivation will magically occur. Alas, if only…

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June Blog feature image of group of black graduation hats
The Mixed Emotions of Transition 600 600 Advance LA

The Mixed Emotions of Transition

The MixedEmotions of TransitionFrom all of us at Advance LA, congratulations to the high school graduates! This is a huge milestone for a young person who has completed thirteen years of education. It is typical for high school seniors to experience mixed emotions as they participate in graduation ceremonies and parties. Feelings of fear, anxiety,…

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March Blog feature image of woman sitting with her boxer dog
Spotlight On Advance LA Client Success! 600 600 Advance LA

Spotlight On Advance LA Client Success!

Spotlight OnAdvance LA Client Success!Christina is a wonder! She began working with the Advance LA Life Skills Coaching Program last summer. Due to Christina’s dedication and motivation, she is making great strides toward meeting her goals of improved health/wellness and learning independent living skills. Christina initially made the decision to work with a Life Skills…

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