“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver
While anytime during the year is the right time for a fresh start, January just feels perfect for new beginnings. The start of a new year is a time for hope. January brings renewed optimism for change, for building healthy habits, and for feeling good about ourselves. We can let go of the things that no longer serve us and plan for a better 2024. January gives us a clean, definitive starting point for what lies ahead. Anything is possible!
So where to begin?
Start With Decluttering Your Space – The act of decluttering your space can help put you in the frame of mind to enter the new year with a new focus, clarity, and awareness. Decluttering can encourage creativity and critical thinking, making it easier to tackle new projects and try new hobbies.
Set Goals And Identify Meaningful Steps To Achieve Those Goals – Defining goals is a great way to get a fresh start in the new year. But in order to achieve a goal, you need to plan the steps you will need to take to reach your goal. By identifying specific actions that you can take to reach your goals and determine how you will incorporate your new actions into your daily routine, you are setting yourself up for success.
Make A List Of New Things You Want To Try: Challenge yourself to make a list of ten new things you want to try. They don’t have to be huge, life changing things, just something to keep life interesting. It could be learning to bake bread, or grow your own tomatoes, or learn how to tap dance. Remember, you are not doing these things for a grade, just for the pure pleasure of learning something new!
A Change Is As Good As A Rest: By December of each year, it can be easy to feel like parts of your life are in a rut. But by making some changes in your life, you can re-capture that excitement about life. Maybe it’s a new exercise routine, maybe planning a trip, introducing new foods into your diet – the thrill of discovery never goes away!
When You Start Improving One Part Of Your Life, The Rest Often Follows – You may find that by decluttering your space, setting new goals, trying something new, and making some positive changes that you feel reinvigorated and feel good about yourself.
Be Kind To Yourself – Making a fresh start isn’t always easy. It is important to recognize that it is hard to make changes to your routine. Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace if you slip up or stumble. Making changes doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing approach as you work toward your goals. It’s okay to have an off day – it happens to the best of us. But keep going and never give up – you got this!
Happy 2024 from all of us at Advance LA!